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Gift of the Gab with Amelia Noor Oshiro: Discussing Suicide Research Within Muslim Communities

*Trigger Warning* Episode discusses suicide and suicidal ideation

It's another heavy one folks! But I am hoping that this one helps shed some light on how difficult it can be to get suicide research data, especially in underrepresented communities.

In this episode I talk to, Amelia Noor Oshiro, the Muslim suicide researcher, who has dedicated her PhD study to researching the potential causes of suicide within Muslim communities.

We discuss the various factors that are known to impact suicide rates
in immigrant and marginalized communities and how her research could help provide help to those that are under-represented in suicide research.

If you are Muslim and wish to help Amelia's research you can fill out her survey here: www.tinyurl.com/muslimcommunitystudy

And you can also follow Amelia on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/muslim.suicide.researcher/

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