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Dec. 9, 2022

The Whole Muslim: Re-Writing Perspectives with Leah V.

The Whole Muslim: Re-Writing Perspectives with Leah V.

In this episode I have the incredible opportunity to interview author, body-positivity activist and the first International plus-sized model, Leah V!

We talk about how her passion for writing gave way to her starting her modeling career, in an industry that doesn't take kindly to plus-sized models! But Leah V. pushed through the odds and has been featured in Vogue, The New York Times and has modeled for big brands like UGG, Adidas, Athleta, Dove, Target and SOOOO many more!

We discuss how all this culminated to her going back to her roots of writing and publishing her latest dystopian, fiction novel, "The Union".

Set in the future, "The Union" puts systems of class, race and oppression under the microscope in the most unconventional way possible. And I'm not gonna lie, I was not prepared by how uncomfortable 'the turning of tables' made me!

You can also watch this episode on my YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/0r2Raiq6dVw

To get your own copy of "The Union" you can find them at your local bookstores or you can find them on Leah V. 's website: http://www.leahvernon.com/unashamedleahvernonbook

You can also follow Leah V. on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/lvernon2000/

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